Feb 16, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog 
2019-2020 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


The Counseling and Career Office is located in the Student Services Office. College is a time of many changes and decisions and at times students may feel the need for help in coping with those changes and making those decisions. Kirtland’s licensed professional counselor is trained to help students deal with the college experience.

Services provided include the following:

  • Personal, career, and academic counseling
  • Administering and interpreting interest and personality test instruments for students seeking career and educational information (no charge)
  • Administering standardized tests for college credit (proctor fee and test publisher fee charged)
  • Referral information for other available counseling services

Personal counseling is helpful in situations where problems are persistent and bothersome to the point that discussion with another person is needed. Personal counseling on campus is available through the Counseling Office. Long-term counseling is available through referral to community agencies that provide this service. The college maintains a referral list of local crisis centers and mental health clinics qualified and available for personal counseling.

This office also offers a wide variety of services to individuals who desire assistance with career planning and preparation. Help is available with career exploration, job search strategies, résumé/cover letter writing, interviewing techniques, and employability skills. For individuals seeking employment, numerous job search resources are located on the Internet at www.kirtland.edu/career-counseling. The Community Job Board contains positions that employers have listed with the college at www.kirtland.edu/job-board. Current job postings are also posted on social media.

Preparing to Transfer

(From Kirtland to the senior institution)

Transfer students need to be aware of all deadlines, such as payment for tuition and fees, residence hall reservations, financial aid and scholarships, placement testing, etc.

Campus Visit

Before transferring, students should visit the institution to which they plan to transfer, preferably during daytime campus hours. When visiting the campus, it is important that students talk to an advisor in their program of study.

Transferring Credit

Students must submit a written request for an official copy of their Kirtland transcript from the Registrar’s Office. This copy must be sent directly from the Registrar’s Office to the college or university of their choice. Upon the student’s admission, the senior institution will perform a credit evaluation of his/her transcript.

When students transfer to a senior institution that operates on terms or quarters rather than semesters, they need to be aware of possible credit hour differences. For example, two (2) semester credits = three (3) term or quarter credits.


Special Populations

The college, with partial funding from the Michigan Talent Investment Agency, provides support services to meet the needs of certain populations. Members of special populations include students with disabilities. Support services and assistance to help them reach their career goals include the following:

  • Referrals to other departments or community agencies
  • Services for students with disabilities

Disability Services

Students who qualify for services are identified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students must provide the Coordinator of Disability Services with documentation of disability from an appropriate licensed professional, such as a medical doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. For more information regarding disability services or to apply for accommodations, please visit: http://www.kirtland.edu/disability-services. Some examples of services and accommodations follow:

  • Instructional accommodations—scribes, readers, sign language interpreters
  • Testing adaptations—extended time, oral examinations
  • Technological assistance—wireless amplification devices, a reading machine
  • Liaison with Michigan Rehabilitation Services and Michigan Commission for the Blind.

Student Assistance Program

Kirtland Community College’s Student Assistance Program has been developed in response to U.S. Department of Education directives and through the cooperation of local health care agencies. The program is designed to provide Kirtland students with help in dealing with emotional, medical, social, family, alcohol and/or drug abuse problems. Since such problems are considered treatable, students are urged to seek help before personal problems seriously damage academic performance or the future quality of their life.

The Student Assistance Program can help by:

  • Providing the opportunity to discuss a personal situation with a caring professional
  • Offering referral information on local agencies or specialized treatment services
  • Suggesting a local support group sharing the same concern
  • Providing information on the use and abuse of drugs including alcohol
  • Providing information on how to deal with emotional, medical, social, or family problems

Information about this program is available in the Student Services Office or by calling 275-5000, ext. 280.



The responsibilities of this office include course registrations, schedule adjustments, program changes, enrollment and graduation verifications, grade reporting, official graduation audits, maintain permanent academic records, issue academic transcripts upon student request, course substitutions, high school articulation, and transfer credit evaluations.

Academic Amnesty

Kirtland Community College understands that a student may “get off to a bad start” due to circumstances beyond his/her own control. Also, a student may enroll in a program that he/she later finds does not suit his/her needs. Both situations may result in a student experiencing poor academic performance. Academic amnesty is an action of forgiveness provided to certain students who have experienced poor academic performance at Kirtland Community College. Through academic amnesty, a student will be awarded a “second opportunity” to achieve success at Kirtland by removing the negative effect of less-than-C grade courses on the student’s academic transcript.

To be eligible to apply for academic amnesty, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.00.
  2. Complete at least six credit hours or more toward a new program of study while maintaining a 2.00 GPA or higher since beginning the new program.
  3. Allowed one year to elapse between the poor academic performance period and requirement #2.

Once eligible, a student may petition the academic amnesty committee by filling out and submitting the Application for Academic Amnesty form. The applicant must meet with the college counselor and agree to the conditions of academic amnesty.

The academic amnesty committee will review all requests for academic amnesty. Academic amnesty will only be granted for one continuous period of enrollment in a program at Kirtland Community College, as indicated by courses taken by the student that are directly attributable to that program.

Once amnesty has been approved by the committee and applied by the Registrar to the student’s (petitionee’s) transcript, the student will not be permitted to rescind the application of amnesty on his/her academic record. Other conditions include the following:

  1. No course work will be removed from a transcript.
  2. A special notation explaining amnesty approval will be placed on the student’s transcript.
  3. Honor points and credit hours attempted during the amnesty period will be subtracted from the current cumulative honor points and credit hours attempted. A new cumulative grade point average will then be established.
  4. Courses successfully completed with a grade of C or better during the amnesty period can be used toward the student’s certificate or degree requirements but do not count toward the student’s GPA.
  5. A student receiving academic amnesty will not be allowed to graduate with honors.
  6. Academic amnesty, when granted, applies only to Kirtland Community College courses. There is no guarantee, expressed or implied, that academic amnesty will be recognized by any other college or university.
  7. Academic amnesty can be granted only once to any student.


The Registrar has the responsibility of implementing amnesty, as stated in the academic amnesty policy, when it is granted to a student.

Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal

Good academic standing is a status achieved by students who have an earned a cumulative/career grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and above. Cumulative/career credit hours attempted/graded and cumulative/career GPA will determine a student’s good academic standing, probation, and dismissal status. The following schedule reflects probation and dismissal status:

  0-5 Cumulative/Career Credit Hours Graded
Probation Status: None
Dismissal Status: None
  6-11 Cumulative/Career Credit Hours Graded
Probation Status: 0.00-1.99
Dismissal Status: None
  12-17 Cumulative/Career Credit Hours Graded
Probation Status: 1.00-1.99
Dismissal Status: 0.99 or less
  18-23 Cumulative/Career Credit Hours Graded
Probation Status: 1.26-1.99
Dismissal Status: 1.25 or less
  24-29 Cumulative/Career Credit Hours Graded
Probation Status: 1.53-1.99
Dismissal Status: 1.52 or less
  30-Plus Cumulative/Career Credit Hours Graded
Probation Status: 1.80-1.99*
Dismissal Status: 1.79 or less

NOTE: *Should the student not show academic progress (increasing cumulative/career GPA toward a 2.00) after completion of the next enrolled semester/session, he/she will be dismissed.

If a student is dismissed from the college and wishes to re-enter, he/she must fill out and submit an “Academic Reinstatement Request” form for permission to re-enter as a limited probationary student. If permission is granted, the student will be allowed to reenter with enrollment restrictions as stated in a signed contract between the student and the college counselor. Any adjustments to the limited probationary student’s schedule must be approved by the counselor.

A limited probationary student will be dismissed again from the college if he/she is not showing academic progress (increasing the cumulative/career grade point average toward a 2.00), or if he/she does not meet all requirements as listed in the contract. Students being dismissed for a second time will automatically be required to sit out at least one semester.

Students being placed on academic probation or academic dismissal will be notified of their status by the vice president of student services via their Kirtland email account.

Auditing of Courses

A student who wants to attend a course regularly, but does not wish to receive a grade or credit may register to audit the course. A student who audits a course is required to officially register, indicate the class is for audit on the registration form, and pay all tuition and fees.

A change from audit to credit or credit to audit must be approved by the instructor of the course. A Change in Audit Status form must be properly completed, signed by the instructor, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing by the census date.

Financial aid is not available for a course taken for audit. Students receiving financial assistance should check with the Student Financial Services Office to determine what effect the audit may have on their financial aid package.

Credit by Examination

Students who believe they have achieved the equivalent knowledge and/or skills of a particular Kirtland Community College course may choose to take a competency credit examination.

A Kirtland student may request credit by examination by using the following procedure:

  1. Contact the Student Services Office for a list of nationally recognized standardized tests that are equivalent to the Kirtland course the student desires. Information regarding testing fees and date, time, and location of the testing will also be provided to the student.
  2. If a nationally recognized standardized test is not available, the student may contact the dean of his/her program for an Institutional Credit by Examination Request form and the cost for the testing. The student will complete and submit the form to the senior instructor in the subject area of the examination requested. The instructor will review the request and submit his/her recommendation back to the vice president or dean, who may approve or disapprove the request. If approved, a test will be developed, and testing will be scheduled.
  3. Credit by examination scores will be handled in the following manner: If a passing score is achieved, credit will be noted on the student’s Kirtland transcript. Cumulative grade point average, credit hours attempted, and honor points will not be affected.

Credit Hour Limit

Students enrolling for more than 18 credit hours for the fall or winter semester, or more than eight credit hours for the summer session, must receive permission from the vice president of instructional services or designee. In the instance where the college catalog lists more than 18 hours as a suggested semester load, students may register without additional permission.

Course Adjustments (Add, Drop & Withdrawal)

Add/Drop/Withdrawal forms for adding and dropping courses can be secured from the Registrar’s Office or in myKirtland in student form central. Withdraws cannot be done online.

Adding a Class

Students are expected to complete their registration during the registration period. However, if a student must add a course, it should be done before the end of the first week of the semester. No student will be allowed to add a face-to-face class after the class has met more than two times without written authorization from the instructor of the course. Online classes must be added by the end of the first week of the semester.

Dropping a Class

Exact dates of the drop period are posted online at: www.kirtland.edu/paying-for-college/student-refunds. Students are permitted to drop online any class in which they are enrolled through the 100% drop refund date.

Withdrawing from a Class

Students may withdraw from courses for which they are registered. Withdraw dates are published on the Kirtland Website. Withdrawals cannot be done online. An Add/Drop/Withdraw form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office on or before the last date to withdraw.

Full Semester Courses

If a drop is made before or on the census date for the semester, no grade will be recorded. However, for withdrawals made after the census date and through the twelfth week of the semester or through the sixth week of the summer semester, a grade of “W” will automatically be issued.

Short Courses

(Courses that are scheduled for less than a full semester)

A withdrawal must be made before the final exam is issued for the course. If a drop is made on or before the census date for the course, no grade will be recorded. However, for withdrawals made after the census date of the course, a grade of “W” will automatically be issued.

Course Repetition

A student may repeat any course previously taken or an equivalent at Kirtland Community College to improve his/her grade. Only the higher grade is credited when computing the grade point average, although both grades appear on the transcript.

If the student has achieved a C grade or better on the first repeat of a course, a second repeat will not be permitted. A student may not repeat a course more than twice. Exceptions to this policy may occur when a student desires reentry or progression within a particular program that requires current competency. These exceptions may be authorized by the program advisor. Other exceptions may only be authorized by the vice president of instructional services or a dean.

Course Substitution

Certificate and degree program requirements are listed in the college catalog. These requirements include all courses needed for completion. Any alteration to a degree or certificate (substitution of one course for another) must be made in the following manner:

  1. To initiate a course substitution, a student must meet with his/her advisor. During the meeting, a Course Substitution Request form must be completed by the student and the advisor. The student’s advisor will forward the form to the vice president of instruction or dean for possible approval. If approved, the form will be sent to the Registrar’s Office and placed in the student’s file.
  2. Course substitutions should be submitted and approved before the student’s registration for the semester in which the course substitution is to be made. If a student has received credit for courses transferred from another institution and desires a course substitution of the transfer credit for a required course, approval should be gained during the student’s first semester at Kirtland.

Grade Reporting System

Grades are issued at the end of each semester or session and become a permanent part of the student’s record. Kirtland operates on two 15-week semesters and an 8-week summer session.

Students must go online to view or print grades each semester, grade reports are not mailed. Students should log into myKirtland at www.kirtland.edu, click on the student tab, and select “Course History” link. Students can select specific semester grades, or by selecting “All Divisions, All Terms” students can view or print a complete unofficial transcript showing all grades earned, and prerequisites met by placement testing. Students who do not have access to a computer or the Internet can use the computers on the Kirtland campus, or they may request unofficial or official transcripts (see “Transcripts” for ordering information).

The following grades are computed in the semester/term and cumulative/career grade point average (GPA): A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and E. While the current semester is in session, an WIP designation may appear on the transcript to denote that the course is currently in progress.

Academic achievement is recorded as follows:

Grade Definition Honor Point Value
A Excellent performance 4.0
A- Excellent performance 3.7
B+ Above average performance 3.3
B Above average performance 3.0
B- Above average performance 2.7
C+ Above average performance 2.3
C Average performance 2.0
C- Below average performance 1.7
D+ Below average performance 1.3
D Below average performance 1.0
D- Below average performance 0.7
E Failure 0.0
I Incomplete N/A
W Withdrawal N/A
AU Audit N/A
CR Transfer Credit N/A
R Registrar Grade N/A
S Satisfactory N/A
SA Satisfactory - Grade A N/A
SB Satisfactory - Grade B N/A
SC Satisfactory - Grade C N/A
SD Satisfactory - Grade D N/A
U Unsatisfactory N/A

The number of honor points received for a course is determined by multiplying the honor point value of the course by the number of credit hours. Therefore, a grade of B in a 4 credit-hour course is 12 honor points (3 x 4).

A grade point average is obtained by dividing the total number of honor points by the total number of credit hours graded. For example, a total of 32 honor points earned in a semester by a student enrolled for 16 credit hours equals a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 for that semester.

Graduation Honors

Students may graduate with honors from Kirtland Community College providing they have met the following criteria:

  • Completed all the requirements needed for a certificate or an associate degree
  • Earned at least 15 credit hours at Kirtland if receiving a certificate or associate degree
  • Achieved the cumulative grade point average (determined by the last completed semester) required for one of the following honors:

    3.800-4.000 cumulative GPA Summa Cum Laude
    3.600-3.799 cumulative GPA Magna Cum Laude
    3.400-3.599 cumulative GPA Cum Laude

The Registrar will review transcripts of all candidates for graduation. Authorization to wear honor cords will be given by the Registrar to candidates who have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.40 prior to the semester in which commencement ceremonies are held. The commencement program will list candidates who have been authorized to receive the honors. Final grades will determine the honors appearing on the student’s transcript and diploma.

Graduation Requirements

Each candidate for graduation must fulfill the following requirements for an associate degree or certificate of completion:

  1. Be granted admission to Kirtland Community College
  2. Have completed a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit (100-level or above) at Kirtland
  3. Have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 at Kirtland
  4. Have completed all program requirements as listed in Kirtland’s college catalog

NOTE: The date of the catalog by which a student’s credits are audited for graduation may not be more than four years earlier than the date of the issuance of the degree or certificate. Student records may not be audited by a catalog dated earlier than the time of entrance. Exceptions may be authorized by the vice president of instructional services or dean of the student’s program.

  1. Have filed a Request to Graduate form with the Registrar’s Office at the beginning of the semester in which they plan to finish their required course work. Students should also check with their advisor when they register for that semester to be sure that all requirements have been met.

Graduation (commencement) ceremonies for students completing associate degree and certificate programs are held once a year on the last Friday of the winter semester. Participation in the graduation ceremonies is strongly encouraged, but not required. Cap and gown for graduation must be ordered in the Kirtland Bookstore before March 1. For more information about graduation fees, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Honor Lists

Each fall and winter semester, a President’s honor list and Dean’s honor list will be issued. The President’s and Dean’s honor lists shall consist of names of full-time (12 or more credit hours earned, excluding below 100-level departmental courses) students whose current/term grade point averages are 3.800 to 4.000 (President’s list) , 3.400 to 3.799 (Dean’s list) and (part-time student honor list), 3.500 to 4.000 (6 to 11.99 credit hours earned, excluding below 100-level departmental courses) at the time grade reports (see “Grade Reporting System”) are processed.

Credits earned in transitional courses will not be used when determining a student’s full-time status. In addition, students receiving an incomplete grade (“I”) for the semester will not be considered for either list. (However, honors notations will be posted to transcripts when completion of “I” grades results in grade point averages that meet honor list criteria.)

Honors Program

The Kirtland Community College Honors Program provides enhanced educational opportunities for academically talented students in both general education and occupational programs. Membership in the Kirtland Honors Program brings the honors student significant benefits:

Educational Benefits

Honors students at Kirtland pursue an enhanced honors curriculum distinguished, on the whole, from the regular curriculum by an emphasis on the following features:

  • Highly qualified students.
  • Stimulating course design and course work.
  • Emphasis on participatory classroom styles.
  • Challenging work than in comparable classes within the regular curriculum.
  • Team or group teaching.
  • Emphasis on primary, as opposed to secondary, source materials.
  • An interdisciplinary focus.
  • An element of independent study.
  • Transcript recognition of completed honors course work.
  • Honors degree upon completion of requirements.
  • Recognition at graduation ceremonies, including a medallion.
  • Scholarships: Eligible to apply for one 3-credit in-district scholarship per semester, up to 9-credit hours career total.
  • Eligible to apply for the Otto and Martha Krauss Scholarship.

Membership is based on academic achievement. Student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 to apply.

Applications are accepted throughout the year, but students are admitted only at the beginning of the fall and winter semesters. For more information contact the Honors Program  Office at 989-275-5000, ext. 359 

Incomplete Grades – more under “Grade Reporting System”

A student may request an incomplete (I) grade when he/she has found it impossible for reasons beyond his/her control to complete all required course work by the close of the semester. Upon the instructor’s discretion, an incomplete grade may be granted.

If granting an incomplete grade, the instructor shall submit an Incomplete Grade Request form to the Registrar’s Office. If the course work is completed within the period prescribed by the instructor, the incomplete grade will be changed to the letter grade the student has then earned. If course work is not completed within the prescribed period, the incomplete grade will be changed to a failing grade.

Michigan Transfer Agreement

The Michigan Transfer Agreement facilitates the transfer of students from community colleges to four-year colleges and universities in Michigan. By carefully choosing courses, students can earn an associate degree from Kirtland and complete the Michigan Transfer Agreement; however, students do not need to obtain a degree in order to earn the MTA designation. If students want to request the “MTA Satisfied” on their transcript, they should fill out the MTA application form and send it to the Registrar’s Office for review.

Requirements for the Michigan Transfer Agreement

  • Minimum of 30 credits.
  • A grade of “C” or higher is required for each course.
  • One course in English composition.
  • A second course in English composition or one course in communications.
  • One course in mathematics.
  • Two courses in social sciences (from two disciplines).
  • Two courses in humanities and fine arts (from two disciplines excluding studio and performance classes).
  • Two courses in natural science (from two disciplines) including one laboratory experience.
English Composition and Communications (Two courses, one must be Composition).
ENG 10303   English Composition I 3 credits
ENG 10403   English Composition II 3 credits
SPE 10500   Fundamentals of Speech 3 credits
SPE 11400   Interpersonal Communication 3 credits
Quantitative Reasoning (One course).
MTH 13000   College Algebra 4 credits
MTH 18001   Pre-Calculus 4 credits
MTH 20600   Application in Statistics 4 credits
MTH 22002   Calculus I 4 credits
Natural Science (Two courses from two different disciplines. One must be a laboratory science).

*Note: All of Kirtland’s science courses have a lab component except BIO 20000.  Courses that have a partnering lab are noted separately on the transcript.

AST 10200 / AST 10300   Exploration of Astronomy (Lecture) Obervational Astronomy (Lab) 4 credits
BIO 10100   General Biology 4 credits
BIO 10700   Essentials of A&P 4 credits
BIO 11700   Cell and Molecular Biology 4 credits
BIO 11800   Evolution, Ecology, and Diversity 4 credits
BIO 20000   Fundamentals of Nutrition 3 credits
BIO 20100   General Zoology 4 credits
BIO 21000   Microbiology 4 credits
BIO 25000   Human Anatomy 4 credits
BIO 25100   Human Physiology 4 credits
CHE 10000   Chemical Science 4 credits
CHE 10101 /CHE 10102   General Chemistry I Lecture/Lab 5.5 credits
CHE 10201 /CHE 10202   General Chemistry II Lecture/Lab 5.5 credits
CHE 20101  /CHE 20102   Organic Chemistry I Lecture/Lab 5.5 credits
CHE 20201  /CHE 20202   Organic Chemistry II Lecture/Lab 5.5 credits
GEL 10500   Physical Geology 4 credits
GEL 23000   Prehistoric Life 4 credits
PHY 11000   General Physics 4 credits
PHY 10501 /PHY 10502   Physical Science Lecture/Lab 4 credits
Social Science (Two courses from two different disciplines).
ECO 20100   Prin. of Economics-MACRO 3 credits
ECO 20200   Prin. of Economics-MICRO 3 credits
GEO 10000   World Geography 4 credits
POL 10100   Intro to American Government 3 credits
PSY 10100   Intro to Psychology 3 credits
PSY 20200   Abnormal Psychology 3 credits
PSY 20500   Intro to Cognitive Psychology 3 credits
PSY 24000   Lifespan Develop Psychology 3 credits
SOC 10100   Intro to Sociology 3 credits
SOC 23500   Racial, Cultural, Ethnic Diversity 3 credits
Humanities (Two courses from two different disciplines).
ART 10000   Art History I 3 credits
ART 10103   Art History II 3 credits
ART 11700   Art Appreciation 3 credits
ENG 21400   Intro to Literature 3 credits
ENG 22500   Contemporary Literature 3 credits
ENG 22800   Mythology 3 credits
ENG 23300   British Literature I 3 credits
HIS 10500   History of World Society to 1500 3 credits
HIS 20100   U.S. History to 1865 3 credits
HIS 20200   U.S. History Since 1865 3 credits
HIS 20300   Michigan History 3 credits
HIS 20400   American Civil War 3 credits
HUM 20500   Individual and Society 3 credits
MUS 10100   Music History & Appreciation 3 credits
MUS 12300   Jazz History & Appreciation 3 credits
MUS 12500   World Music 3 credits
PHL 21000   Intro to Ethics 3 credits
SPN 11000   Spanish I 4 credits
SPN 12000   Spanish II 4 credits

Progress Reports

A progress report is initiated by an instructor to notify a student of poor academic performance or lack of attendance in the instructor’s course. Students will receive their progress report via their Kirtland email account. The progress report is forwarded to the appropriate Student Services offices. An electronic copy will be kept in Student Services.

Registration Procedures

All students are required to complete admissions requirements and procedures before registration for classes. Students may register online at specified times by using myKirtland at the following web site: www.kirtland.edu.

A registered student is one who has completed the registration process, including arranging for payment of all financial commitments. A student must be registered for a class before he/she may attend the class. Questions concerning these procedures should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Student Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend every class and laboratory period for which they have registered. Regular class attendance is necessary for students to receive maximum benefits from their classes. Excused absences for participation in authorized campus activities shall in no way lessen student responsibilities for meeting the requirements of the class. Excessive absence may affect financial aid awards.

Regular attendance is expected of each student in each course. Instructors are required to determine reasonable attendance and satisfactory academic progress during the semester. Progress reports will be filed for students with poor attendance records. Financial assistance, whether Veterans Administration, federal and state grants and scholarships, student loans, work-study, or private funding, may be canceled or reduced if attendance is unsatisfactory.

Since attendance is a legitimate basis for grading by instructors, students will receive progress reports for lack of attendance (see “Progress Reports”). If absent from class, students should explain the reason for their absence to their instructors.

Student Records

In addition to academic transcripts, students’ records are maintained by the Registrar’s Office. A student record may include the application for admission, high school transcript, other college transcripts and the transfer credit evaluation, correspondence, student progress reports, and other student information. Students may review their own student record any time during office hours with proper identification.

Student’s Right to Know

Kirtland Community College recognizes the importance of maintaining records for all students in attendance. While a student’s educational interests require the collection, retention, and use of information about the student, the student’s right to privacy requires careful custodianship and limitations on access to education records. The maintenance and disclosure of student records by this institution are governed by state and federal law, particularly the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), 20 USC 1232g, and its implementing regulations, 34 CFR 99.1 et seq. It is the purpose of this policy to protect the educational and privacy rights of students and to establish procedures for the disclosure of student records in compliance with the law.

The President of Kirtland Community College is responsible for implementing this policy. The President’s duties include, but are not limited to: informing students of their rights under this policy, utilizing administrative resources to implement and enforce this policy, developing procedural guidelines for the proper collection, storage and disclosure of student records and informing employees of this policy and the procedures relative to student records.


For the purposes of this policy, Kirtland Community College employs the following definitions:

Educational Records

Any record (whether in print, handwriting, tape, film, computer, electronic, or other medium) maintained by the college, a college employee or agent, or a party acting on the college’s behalf, which is directly related to a student. The term does not include the following:

  1. Records (including notes and observations) kept by a staff member that are in his/her possession and are not available to another person, except a substitute.
  2. Records created and maintained by Kirtland Community College law enforcement and security personnel for law enforcement purposes only.
  3. Employment records which are made and used only in relation to a student’s employment at Kirtland Community College.
  4. Records made and maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or paraprofessional acting in his/her professional capacity, which are made, maintained, or used in connection with treatment of the student (which does not include remedial education) and are disclosed only to individuals providing treatment.
  5. Records that only contain information about a student after he/she is no longer in attendance.


Any person who attends or has attended a program of instruction sponsored by Kirtland Community College.

Student Rights

FERPA affords students enrolled in postsecondary institutions certain rights with respect to education records. Those rights include the following:

  1. Right to Inspect: A student has the right to inspect and review his/her education records maintained by Kirtland Community College within 45 days of the school’s receipt of a written request for access.
  2. Right to Request Amendment: A student has the right to request the amendment of his/her education record(s) that are believed to be inaccurate or misleading. This right includes the right to a hearing to present evidence that the record should be revised. If a requested amendment is denied after a hearing, a student also has the right to place a statement in his/her educational record commenting on the challenged information.
  3. Right to Consent to Disclosure: A student has the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in his/her education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  4. Right to Complain: A student has the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Kirtland Community College to comply with FERPA requirements.
  5. Right to Obtain Copies of this Policy: A student has the right to obtain copies of this policy upon request.


Kirtland Community College will disclose information from a student’s education record only with the written consent of the student, except that disclosures without consent may be made:

  1. To school officials who have legitimate educational interest in the records. A school official is a person employed by Kirtland Community College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position, including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff; a person or company with whom Kirtland Community College has contracted, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent; a person serving on the board of trustees, who is empowered by the board; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his/her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if he/she needs to review an education record to fulfill his/her professional responsibilities.
  2. To officials of other schools where a student seeks or intends to enroll. (A student may obtain copies of records transferred).
  3. To federal and state officials in connection with their duties to audit or enforce legal conditions relative to federal or state supported programs.
  4. In connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary to determine the eligibility for aid, the amount or conditions of the aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of aid.
  5. To state juvenile justice system officials as permitted by state law.
  6. To organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the college for the purposes of predictive testing, student aid, and instructional improvements.
  7. To accrediting organizations to carry out their function.
  8. To parents who claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.
  9. To comply with a court order or lawfully-issued subpoena. The college shall make reasonable attempts to notify the student of such disclosure prior to disclosure.
  10. To appropriate parties in connection with a health or safety emergency that threatens the health or safety of the student or other individuals. Additionally, Kirtland Community College has the right to include information concerning disciplinary action taken against a student for conduct that poses a significant risk to the safety or well-being of the student, other students, or school community members in the student’s education record. Kirtland Community College may also disclose such information to school officials at the college and at other schools who have legitimate educational interests in the behavior of the student.
  11. For designated directory information.
  12. To the student.
  13. To the alleged victim of a crime of violence (as defined by federal law), records of school disciplinary proceedings may be disclosed regarding the particular crime perpetrated against the victim.

Solomon Amendment

In addition to FERPA, the Solomon Amendment requires that schools, upon request, provide the military with information on currently enrolled students for military recruiting purposes. For such requests, the following information can be released on students 17 years of age or older: name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, level of education, academic program, degrees received and the educational institution in which the student was most recently enrolled. Any future changes to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 or the Solomon Amendment will be complied with by Kirtland Community College.

Student Notification

In order to comply with FERPA, Kirtland Community College shall publish a notice to students explaining their rights under FERPA and designating directory information which may be disclosed without consent. A statement regarding this notice will be published in the college catalog. If a student has a primary language other than English, Kirtland Community College shall endeavor to notify the student of his/her rights in the student’s native language.

Inspection of Student Records

A student may inspect and review his/her own education records upon written request submitted to the Registrar. This request should precisely as possible identify the education record(s) the student wishes to inspect. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar’s Office, the Registrar shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed. The Registrar or other school official will make arrangements for access as promptly as possible and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. Access must be given within 45 days from receipt of the request by the appropriate school official.

When a record contains information about students other than the requesting student, the student may not inspect the portion of the record that pertains to other students. In addition, a student does not have the right to inspect or review the following education records: financial records, including any information those records contain of his/her parents, and confidential letters/statements of recommendation as long as the statements are only used for their intended purposes, the student has waived his/her right to review those materials, and the materials relate to the student’s admission to an educational institution, application for employment, or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition.

Amendment of Student Records

If a student, upon review of his/her record, would like to request or amend a record believed to be inaccurate or misleading, a written request should be submitted to the school official responsible for the record. This request should clearly identify the part of the record that the student wants changed and specify why it is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student’s privacy rights. The school official may or may not comply with the request. If the record is not amended as requested by the student, Kirtland Community College shall arrange a hearing and shall provide the student with reasonable notice of the date, time and place of the hearing. The hearing will be conducted by a disinterested hearing officer; however, the hearing officer may be a school official. The student shall have the opportunity to offer evidence in support of his/her request for amendment. The student also has the right to be represented at the hearing. The hearing officer will prepare a written decision based solely upon the evidence presented at the hearing, which shall be distributed to the parties. The decision will include a summary of the evidence and a reason for the decision. If Kirtland Community College determines that the student’s education record should not be amended, the student must be notified that he/she has the right to place a written statement in his/her education record setting forth objections to the challenged information and/or disagreements with the decision not to amend this record. This statement shall be maintained with the challenged portion of the student’s education record and be disclosed with that record. If Kirtland Community College determines that the student’s education record must be amended, it shall amend the record and notify the student that the record has been amended.

Release of Information

Kirtland Community College may release information from a student’s education record to a third party if the student gives prior written consent for the disclosure. All requests for release of such information shall be made in writing. The written consent must include the following information: a specification of the record(s) to be released, the reason for disclosure, the person(s) or organization(s) to whom the disclosure will be made, the student’s signature and the date of consent and, if appropriate, the date upon which consent terminates. Kirtland Community College will not disclose personally identifiable information in a student’s education record to a third party unless that party agrees to redisclose the information only with the student’s prior written consent.

Record of Disclosure

Kirtland Community College shall maintain an accurate record of all requests for access to, and disclosures of, a student’s education record and a record of any access or disclosure permitted. The following procedures shall apply: this record will be kept with, but will not be part of, each student’s educational record. This record will only be available to the student, college officials, and federal, state or local officials. This record will include the name of the requesting party, additional parties to whom the information may be disclosed, the party’s interest in the information, the date of the request, whether the request was granted or denied, and the date of any access or disclosure permitted. This record will be maintained as long as Kirtland Community College maintains the student’s education record. This record keeping requirement does not apply to requests by or disclosure to the student, school officials, a party with written consent from the student, a party seeking directory information, or a party seeking information pursuant to a confidential court order or lawfully-issued subpoena.

Directory Information

Under FERPA, Kirtland Community College is authorized to designate certain personally identifiable information contained in education records as “directory” information and may disclose such information without prior written consent unless a student objects to such disclosure.

Kirtland Community College designates the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education record as directory information: student name, address, telephone number, electronic email address, ID number, part-time/full-time status, freshman/sophomore status, program of study, weight and height of athletes, most recent educational institution attended, photographs, date of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports including positions held, dates of attendance, date of graduation, and degrees and awards received.

The following procedures apply to the notification and designation of directory information:

  1. Kirtland Community College will publish in the college catalog the list of items of personally identifiable information that it designates as directory information.
  2. A student may submit a Notification of Non-Disclosure form to the Registrar’s Office to indicate that he/she does not want this designated directory information released.
  3. School officials shall mark the student’s education record indicating that directory information may not be disclosed pursuant to the student’s objection.
  4. Absent written objection by a student, Kirtland Community College may release designated directory information without prior written consent.
  5. The Notification of Non-Disclosure remains in effect only for the current semester and also applies to requests for information as defined under the Solomon Amendment.

In order to comply with the Solomon Amendment, Kirtland Community College will provide the available directory information of currently enrolled students to the military, for which a request should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at least two weeks prior to the end of the requested semester. A fee will be charged for this list and this fee will need to be collected prior to any information being disclosed.

Disclosure Information

It is the policy of Kirtland Community College that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, disability, physical proportions, sexual orientation, marital status, or genetic information be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service, or in employment.  For information, or to register a grievance, contact the Director of Human Resources, 4800 W. 4 Mile Rd., Grayling, MI, 49738, 989-275-5000 ext. 239, or hr@kirtland.edu.   A grievance may  also be initiated by completing and submitting the BIT Form.

Student Rights and Responsibilities


Financial Assistance Available to Students

Gainful Employment

About Kirtland Community College

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Voter Registration


Unofficial transcripts are available online via myKirtland at www.kirtland.edu. Students can print an unofficial transcript by logging into myKirtland, then selecting the blue student tab on the top of the page, then “Course History” link on the left side of the page, select view/print unofficial transcript.

Official transcripts are available online for electronic delivery for a fee of $2.25 or via regular mail from the Registrar’s Office at no charge. Official transcripts include the college seal and are sent directly from Kirtland to the college, employer, or other location the student indicates. Unofficial transcripts do not have the college seal and can be given to the student. 

A student requesting a transcript must either do so in writing or online via Natinal Student Clearinghouse.  A request must include a student identification number and/or date of birth, signature, and to whom and where (including address) the transcript is to be sent. For more information, please read How to Request A Transcript.

NOTE: No transcripts will be issued to any student who has not met all of his/her financial obligations to Kirtland.

Withdrawal from College

Students withdrawing from all classes (withdrawal from college) shall follow the same procedure as withdrawal from courses.